Astrology Prediction

Diseases and Health in Astrology.

Health is wealth.  The word ‘health’ connotes ‘health, fitness, and vitality’.   Fitness and vitality have become indispensable notch to our concept of total health. That is why the Hindu wisdom ‘the yoga’, a regime of exercise is gaining worldwide popularity.
Every human being is prone to one or other or more disease or diseases and illness (mental). By studying the birth chart, astrology tries to foretell what disease/diseases or illness one is prone to and suggests precautionary measures for prevention and remedies.   Diseases are denoted by the 6th house. The lord of the 6th house, the planets occupying the 6th house, the planets glancing the 6th house from the ascendant and the moon sign, the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 6th house and  the significator of the 6th house, Saturn and Mars (fixed significator of the 6th house) are to be examined for predicting the disease/diseases and illness that one will be prone to. Besides, each of the planets is capable of causing diseases when afflicted, ill-placed, combust  by the close proximity of the Sun and it has become weak on the chart. The timings of causing a disease  is are its ruling period i.e. main or sub-period. The two points to be considered here are that firstly any of the sign of the zodiac can become the 6th house and secondly a planet is capable of causing many a disease. The different parts of the human anatomy are represented by each of the signs of the zodiac in one hand which is called the dissection of “Kalpurush” in astrological terminology and on the other hand by each of the houses of the birth chart. Therefore, the whole human body is divided into twelve parts denoting that each sign and the house and their lords are capable of causing diseases on these assigned parts/limbs/organs. The division can be tabled as below: –

Sl. no. Zodiac Signs      Parts of body                              Diseases

1            Aries                   Head                                    Brain trouble, fever.

2           Taurus                  Face                                     Obesity, abscesses, goitre

3           Gemini                 Neck, Hands, Chest ribs.    Asthma, rheumatism, consumption

4           Cancer                 Chest,  Heart                        Cancer, oedema, smallpox

5           Leo                      Upper abdomen, Belly          Digestive troubles, diabetes.

6           Virgo                  abdomen, Waist                    Arthritis, venereal diseases.

7           Libra                    Groins pelvis.                        Kidney stones, lumbago.

8            Scorpio                Anus, genital organ,            Piles, fistula, ulcers.

9            Sagittarius            Thighs                                  Gout, paralysis.

10            Capricorn            Knees                                 Leprosy, leucoderma.

11            Aquarius            Legs                                       Diseases affecting the nervous system.

12           Pisces                 Feet                                         Tumour, tuberculosis.
Similarly, each house of the birth chart also represents certain parts of the body and diseases in the parts they represent as shown in the following table:
Sl. No.      House                 Body parts.
1          1st house          Head, brain, mind.

2          2nd house         Throat, right eye, nose, tongue, teeth, fingernails.

3          3rd house          Neck, throat, collar bones,   hands, right ear.

4          4th house          Chest, heart, lungs, blood

5          5th house          Stomach, liver, intestines.

6          6th house          Waist, hips, kidney stone,

7          7th house          Ovaries, urethra, uterus, bladder.

8          8th house           Genital organs, urine, blood.

9          9th house          Thighs.

10          10th house       Knees.

11          11th house       Legs, ankles, left ear.

12          12th house        Feet, toe, left the eye.

As stated above each of the planets (including the Rahu & the Ketu) possesses jurisdiction over certain parts of the body and is likely to cause disease when the planet is afflicted.


Body Parts



The Sun

Head, Brain, Heart, Lungs

Blood Pressure, High Fever, Cerebral disorders, Poor Eyesight.


The Moon

Breast, Bladder, Eyes, Nerves and Arteries, Uterus, Ovaries

Mental Aberration, Menstrual disorders, Hysteria, Bronchitis.


The Mars

Bone marrow, Limbs, Muscles, Blood

High fever, Haemorrhage, Abortion, Cuts & Burns.


The Mercury

Skin, Nose, Tongue,  Ears, Nervous System

Dumbness, Deafness, Skin and Nasal diseases


The Jupiter

Liver, Lungs

Liver, Digestive disorders, Abscesses.


The Venus

Genital organs, Semen, Urinary System, Eyes.

Venereal complaints, Diabetes, Throat trouble.


The Saturn

Bones, Nails, Hair

Asthma, Tuberculosis, Insanity.




Epilepsy, Measles, Leprosy, Itches.



Central Nervous System

Epilepsy, Measles, Itches, Leprosy.

Our body is made up of five matters, vis. Air, Water, Fire, and Earth the properties of these matters are present in the signs of the zodiac. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, the fiery signs represent the fiery elements in our body and thus these three fiery signs govern vitality and control such vital organs as the head and heart. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, the earthy signs represent the earthy element in our body and control the bones and flesh. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius represent the airy properties and govern respiration and lungs. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, the watery signs represent the watery element and govern over the digestive, circulatory, and excretory system of our body.
Again, each planet is understood to represent certain physiological process/function in human body, such as the Sun governs energy and vitality, the moon nutrition, the Mars antibody system and excretion of toxic chemicals, the Mercury the nervous system and toxic chemicals, the Jupiter carbohydrate metabolism, haemoglobin, and ductless gland, the Venus lymphatic system, and duct glands, the Saturn the Skelton and fibrous tissue, Rahu purification through perspiration, and  Ketu central nervous system.
For predicting health, the houses to be taken into count are the 6th, 8th, 11th, and 12 houses.  In the health plane, the 6th house represents diseases; the 8th house damage, uselessness, and death; the 11th house recovery from illness, thus a house of disease as without disease no question of recovery  arises; the 12th house loss and confinement (hospitalization).
The zodiac signs such as Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces also stand for diseases for being the 6th, 8th, and 12 houses respectively. The Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are especially considered in this case. The Saturn causes to prolong disease/ailment/agony and brings about frustration and despair. Rahu pushes one into the whirlpool of confusion and indecisiveness facilitating for prolongation of disease. Ketu leads to an inaccurate diagnosis of the disease delaying the right treatment.
Now for foretelling what diseases the native is prone to, how long one will suffer, whether the patient will recover, we have to find links between the 6th, 8th, 11th, and 12th houses and their lords and the planets associated with them. The most important thing is that the links between the 6th, 8th, 11th, and 12 houses must establish a link or connection with the Ascendant or its lord.  We have to proceed step by step, such as 1st house + 6th house; 1st house +8th house; 1st house +12th house, and 1st house +11 house. The connection between the 1st house and the 11th house (1st +11th) bears the meaning of recuperation. The question of recuperation can logically arise only when one suffers from a disease.  2ndly, the association of the Ascendant or its lord with any of the signs, namely Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces are found and these signs are afflicted with the association of the Saturn or Rahu or Ketu or all of them by anyway, then this configuration strongly denotes disease. The varying configurations formed by the above-mentioned houses, signs and the planets lead us to the following inferences: –
Ø Only 1st and 6th houses are connected, it denotes disease/sickness without severity.

Ø Only 1st and 8th house are connected, it means an accident, but not major.

Ø 1st, 6th, and 8th houses are connected, an accident will cause sickness.

Ø 1st, 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are connected, it denotes serious accident and confinement in hospital (hospitalization)

Ø The connection of the 11th house with the above configurations denotes recuperation, and if there is no connection, then it means no recovery from the illness.

Source: – “ Jyotish Bisarer Nab Diganta: volume one” by Dr. Rantosh Shaha. (in Bangla)



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