Astrology Prediction

Your Nakshyatra. Ashwini, Bharani, Kritika, Rohini & Mrigashira.

The nakshyatras, their lords and relationship with the zodiac signs were discussed in the preceding two posts. In this post I shall brief the significance of the nakshyatras in the domain of predictive astrology.

1. Aswini: – The natives with the Aswini nakshyatra in the ascendant or with the lord of the ascendant are usually calm, cool and good looking. 

TThis nakshyatra is significator of twin. When the Mars takes on this nakkshyatra in the 3rd house, it indicates twin siblings of the native; the Sun in this nakshyatra as the significator of father indicates twin siblings of father; the Moon as the lord of 4th house indicates twin (two mothers); Jupiter as the lord of the 5th house indicates twin progenies. 

IIf the Venus is in association with this nakshyatra as the lord of the 7th house, it indicates the chances of two spouses. When this nakshyatra is in association with the Sun Mars and Mercury in the 10th house, the native will have chance to be a renowned physician and surgeon.

2.Bharani: – Bharani represents equanimity, honesty, probity, truthfulness, luxury, affluence, enthusiasm, energy and goodness. The natives of this nakshyatra generally enjoy good health zestful life. They are rational and intellectually inclined.

3.    Kritika: – One quarter (3°-20´) of the Kritika nakshyatra falls in the Aries and 3 quarters falls in the Taurus. The kritika of Aries is hot –burning hot; the heat of the kritika of Taurus is not as hot as the former: its heat is mild, placid and warmth giving. The kritika of Taurus indicates strong physique and sound health. 

TThe natives of this nakshyatra, Kritika of Taurus, are fond of eating, drinking and connoisseur of food and wine. 
Usually, they are known to ply crafty means to climb the rungs of ladder to reach higher circles. Dishonesty and sensuality are common characteristics of the native of Kritika when its degree is between 10° to 13°-20´.

4. Rohini: – The natives of the Rohini are calmly and smiling people. Usually they have large eyes and look beautiful/ handsome. 
They are calm, composed, kind, honest and truthful, generous, charitable, jovial and talented conversationalists. The most striking characteristics of these natives are that they like preening themselves. They are very fond of jewelry, fashion, designing and smartly dressing. 

5.Mrigashirsha: – The first two quarters of Mrigashirsha falls in the Taurus and the rest two quarters in the Gemini. 
In the mental plane, the Mrigashirsha of Taurus represents a calm, urbane and benign mind; on the physical plane, it represents a motherly purity and sobriety; womanly elegance, lissomness and coquetry. 

They love easy way of life. The Mrigashirsha of Gemini impatient, anxious. They are preserving but suffer from inferiority complex. 
Continued to the next page… 
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