Astrology Prediction

Natural & Cost Free Remedial Measures for Saturn’s Evil Effects.

People have a phobia about Saturn. This phobia, I think, may have arisen out of the fact that Saturn stays over a sign or a house in the zodiac or in a birth chart for a period of 2½ years which is the longest period in comparison to other planets. Hence, whatever effects he exerts upon an individual lasts for the whole 2½ years: both the benefic and the malefic.

Planets may become functional benefic or functional malefic according to his ownership of houses in a given birth chart. When he is malefic, the evil effects are experienced for 2½ years; but, of course, the benefic effects of a functionally good Saturn are also felt for 2½ years.

But, the bad days seem to longer and never-ending; and good days and happiness seem to be fleeting moments. That might be one of the reasons why we are paranoid about Saturn. Still, another reason is its Saade Saati Effects which lingers for a full 7½ years. 

The evil effects generated by a functionally malefic Saturn really pushes one to the brink of collapse. Therefore, in this blog, I am trying to suggest a cost few Free and Natural Remedial measures which are effective to minimize the extent of evil effects. The measures are:-

1)  Avoid non-veg., alcohol (especially on Saturdays, if not possible every day) and intoxicant of any form.  

2)   Never tell lies that may cause harm to others.

3)  Obey and respect your parents and elders.

4)  Take the necessary care of your old parents and/or grandparents; don’t hurt them by your action or/and words.

5)   Never boast of yourself and do flaunting of your wealth especially in front of needy ones.

6)  Feed and help the destitute especially the olds and physically disabled

7)  Don’t show patronizing attitude to weaker section people.

8)  Be kind to dogs; never beat, kick or pelt stones to stray dogs.

9)  Feed the stray dogs of your neighborhood.

10) Donate muster-seed oil to really needy ones or in a temple on Saturday/Saturdays.

11)    Feed crows if they are available in your neighborhood.

12)     Make arrangements of water for birds around yourself.

13)       Feed the black/brown ants sugar and cereal grains on Saturdays.

14)   Don’t forget to feed your pet dog the same food you eat twice a day yourself.

15)   Recite Hanuman Challisa and the Biz Mantra of Hanuman daily    before starting your daily duty.

Note: – Saturn is the chief justice among the planets of the solar system. He also signifies the canon and regulates the rule and regulation system in nature. He is a spiritual but not religious fanatic. Thus he prefers serving humanity instead of wasting money, energy and time on the dogmatic practice of only rituals.

If you are under the scanner of Saturn, think that he is going to test you, train you for something big; but the training course will be really testing one to decide how much you deserve. Hard work through patience restraints and honesty will help to win the favors of Saturn.


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