Astrology Prediction

Pitridosha in Your chart and Remedies.

 Hindu astrology has enumerated a very long list of ‘Doshas’ (= negative Yogas)/Shrapitdosha that may find places in our birth charts. Plainly speaking not a single birth chart is immune to doshas; but all the doshas are not uniformly harmful to a native. Of them, all the following are the important ones in terms of their power to yielding very harmful effects in a birth chart.

i.    Ptradosha/Pitrudosha

ii.        Kaalsarpadosha (about which I published a post in this blog on 02-09-2017)

iii.     Mangalikdhosh (about which I published a post in this blog on 26-10-2019)

iv.               Gandamooldosha

v.               Shrapitdosha

vi.               Nadidosh

vii.               Pretdosha

Who become pitras and what is Pitradosha/Pitrudosham? 

Pitras are our forefathers or ancestors who are no more in this mortal world – dead.  The ancestors who have died unnatural deaths such as by accident, suicide, natural calamities, diseases or died at an immature age become Pitris(Manes) or Pitrus. They are dead – the bodies have perished, but the soul is gone to Pitra Yoni. 

They are formless and around us in our environment. We are Manushya Yoni; they are Pitri Yoni. The soul of the Pitras/Pitra Yoni is unsatisfied because he/she died before his/her desire was fulfilled or died with agony and angst because of his family members’ apathy.

Secondly, we also undergo through the spell of Pitridosh because of misdeeds or bad karmas of our forefathers that may bring in disgrace to the good name of the family. Thirdly, a person died before unsettled long feuds between families or groups, and under heavy debts may take rebirth in the same family lineage and among the same friends and foes to complete the unfinished task or to pay off the karmic debts (including their misdeeds and debts).

There are two types of Pitras: Shanta Pitras/Pitrus and Ashanta Pitras/Pitrus. The Shanta Pitras are the Souls/Atmas which calm, cool, and peaceful. They had no pending desire and died peaceful deaths. These Pitris/Pitrus go to the Heaven, the Amar Lok. On the contrary, the Ashanta Pitris are dead but they are emotionally attached.   

The Ashanta Pitris are angry in nature and they possess supernatural power to harm if they want to do so though they do not harm us dreadfully, surely make our life uncomfortable.  So, the harms caused to our personal life or family life is called the Pitridosha or Ptrudosham. However, if they are pleased they bless us which can make our life smooth, enjoyable and successful, because their blessings are really very effective.

Why do they tend to harm us?

They tend to harm us because they are not satisfied with us. The reasons may vary from family to family and situation to situation. The reasons may be that they didn’t get proper care and attention when they badly needed it, or even they were ill-treated. 

So, even after their death also they expect honor, care, and respect from their family members or those who are enjoying their legacy.  After death, they expect us to satisfy them following the right process after the death and performing rituals once in a year, otherwise, they curse us which even God can’t intervene.  In such a situation even God does not arbitrate between the Pitris and the family and thus the cure will work upon us.

How is a Pitridosh formed?

Detecting the pitridosh in a birth chart is very easy. The Sun and Moon represent our parents and ancestors. When the Sun or the Moon or both are conjunct with Rahu or Saturn or both or Ketu or Saturn or both in any house of the birth chart, then the Pitridosha is formed. 

The Pitridosha formed in the 9th house of the chart especially with the Sun and Rahu/Ketu conjunction is called the strongest/worst pitridosha. According to another thought of school, if the lords of the 6th/8th/12th house is in conjunction with Sun or Moon or both of them, and then also the Pitridosha is formed. The Pitridosh is also formed if the lord of the 10th house is placed in the 6th/8th/12th house.

What are the symptoms of Pitridosha in our life?

1.    It can delay marriages in the family.

2.    There could be more numbers of unmarried members in the family.

3.    There could be a delay in conceiving a child or if conceived it may result in miscarriage.

4.  There could be the birth of a physically or mentally (autism), disabled child.

5.    There could be frequent accidents and unnatural deaths in the family.

6.    Quarrels could be common in the family; even trifle issues tend to pick up quarrels.

7.    Unwanted and forced expenses will rise up.

8.     Happiness could be totally off the mind and family.

9.    Spousal abuse could be common in the house.

10.    Robbery, burglary, house burning and etc also could take place from time to time.

11.   In the workplace, one may face suspension, false charges, demotion, and etc.

Remedies: – The remedies of the Pitridosh are done through Pooja, Rituals, Tantra, Mantra, Yantra, Gemstones, and Charities to the needy people, an organization taking care and nursing needy, sick, old, orphan and sick animals. The remedy is a bit a technical approach. First, it is necessary to find the planet or the planets which is/are causing the Pitridosh in a particular birth chart. The following are few of the   common and generic (not specific to a planet causing the pitra dosha) remedies:-

1)   The annual Shradha should be performed; Tarpan should be given on the day of each death anniversary if the day of the death is known.

2)   Recite Aditya Hrudayam daily in the morning after bath and beg the manes apology for your misdeeds or bad Karmas.

3)   Recite Pitradosha Nivaran  Mantra on every Amabashya (New Moon day)

4)   On every Amabashya do this ritual: – Place some kheer (cooked rice in milk and sugar) on the ashes on a cow dung cake; cup your right-hand palm and take some pure water and make a circle with the water on the ground. Now put the cow dung cake within the circle of water and sit on the ground facing the South direction. Now recall the names of your deceased ancestors (7generations in the paternal line and 4 generations in the maternal line) and apologize for your bad karmas and pray for their blessings.

5)   Water a Peeple tree daily.

6)   Plant Peeple and Banyan plants and take care of their upbringing.

7)   If you are financially sound make hospitals and schools for the poor or do the necessary for digging well where there is a scarcity of water.

                                    The End


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