Astrology Prediction

Houses in Astrology-4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Houses.

Continued from the previous post….
4th house: – 4th House is also called the Matri Sthan or Sukh Sthan or Bidya Sthan. It rules over our mind and mother.  In our body the 4th house rules over vital organs – chest, Heart, Lungs, and blood. The 4th house represents our immovable property, land, dwelling house/own house or any other house, domestic environment,  locality, permanent address, building, comfort, peace, secondary label education, friends, furniture, comfort giving appliances, native place, own culture, home-land, educational institutions, factory, industry, shop, source of water such as, pond, well etc.

5th house: – The 5th house is known as the house of progeny. It represents the conditions related with fetus and child birth. In our body the upper abdomen, upper and middle back, stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestine come within the jurisdiction of the 5th house. 

This house also rules over love, love affairs (before or/and after marriage) romance, luxury, entertainments, creativity and creative work, creative imagination, poetry, planning, reasoning and logical thoughts, ability to take quick and right decision, ability of aesthetic appreciation,   intelligence, artistic skill and talent, cinema, theatre, modeling, acting, music and sports and competitions. 

Besides, Yoga and meditation, physiotherapy, beauty parlor, lottery, share market, investment in mutual funds and share markets come within the purview of the 5th house. Politics is also ruled by this house. The other important things that come under the domain of the 5th house are religious places such as Mandirs/Temples, Mosque, Churches, religious rites and rituals,  Puja, Tantra, Mantra and Meditation. The 5th house also rules over the accumulated good deeds (Punya Karma) of past births.

6th house: – In Vedic astrology 6th house is named as Roga, Ripu, Reen, and Shatru Bhava meaning illness and diseases, malice and sensuality, debt and enemy. Also, this is the house of our obstacles, sufferings, opposition, competitions, habits, stress, and strain. Health, personal hygiene, cleanliness, daily food habit, diet, daily work routine, pet animals, office, employee and employer and relationship between them are judged from the 6th house. 

The short term jobs and engagement that the native is in compulsion to do (not as career, career is seen from the 10th house), service to others – altruistic in nature also come under the purview of the 6th house. As this house rules health, hygiene, diet and daily routine, the ability requires for hard work is also examined here. The 6th house also rules building or apartments to rent and tenants, mortgaging, renting, refugee, tough competitions, and litigation.

7th House: – In Vedic Astrology the 7th House is called the Jaya House and Kalatra House meaning house of marriage, house of spouse and house of conflict. In reality this house means much, much more than this. The 7th House is located along the vertical axis of the 1st house, and thus this house includes all those other than the self; anybody that the native comes across the in his life, the most important being the life partner; therefore, the others are the close business partner. 

The unseen and unknown matters and subjects the 7th House represents. This House also rules business contracts, agreements, ties, vacation home, major competitors, and any other relationships with bindings. The practice (custom!) of living together is ruled by the 7th House. The other important matters ruled by the 7th House are competitions, conflicts, open challenges, litigation, and law suits. 
In Vedic astrology this house is also called the ‘Maraka’ House, meaning death inflicting house. Being the 10th from the 10th house, the 7th house also acts as indices of   career performances, excellence, success, and achievements. In our body, it represents Urethra, Uterus, Ovaries, and Bladder.

8th House: – In Vedic astrology the 8th house is called the Aayu Bhava, meaning the house of longevity or lifespan. This House signals the time and the reasons of death. Along with 6th and 12th houses the 8th House is categorized as a Dusthana house or major malefic house. 
One unique character of this house is ‘Suddenness’ – 8th house causes to happen things all of a sudden – out of nowhere. The 2nd characteristic is ‘Transformation’ –transforming from one state to another. Thirdly, ‘Secrecy’ and ‘Buried matters’ also this house represents. The actions of ‘Suddenness’ and ‘Transformation’ may be for the good or bad. Generally, the dark aspects of life are associated with this house that can be listed as danger, obstacle, debt, loss, accident, any type of illegal activities, illegal affairs, blame, scandal, defamation, confinement, isolation, solitude, imprisonment, conspiracy, chronic disease, frustration, fear, suicide, hypochondria, and defeat. 

The 8th House rules over unearned money or windfalls such as lottery, wills, gifts, legacy, inheritance, secret income or income from unlawful sources, and dowry. Spouse wealth and in-laws are seen from the 8th House. All kinds of conscience controlled   Occult science, pursuit of metaphysical knowledge, meditation, and transcendental experience come within the domain of 8th house. In our body parts, the 8th house rules urine, genital organs and anus. 

Continued to the next post…..         

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