Astrology Prediction

Houses in Astrology-9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Houses

9th House: – In Vedic astrology the 9th house is called Dharma Bhava or Bhagya Bhava because this house promises the fruits of the good deeds of our last birth. It is the house of luck and fortune. In Vedic astrology, this house represents father (in western astrology 10th house represents father). 

According to some scholars, father is seen from 9th house when children are dependent and from 10th house when children are independent. The 9th house deals with philosophy, spirituality, knowledge, wisdom, abstract ways of thinking and writing, intuitive knowledge, higher education, thesis, publishing matters related with philosophical and spiritual pursuits. 

This house represents teachers, preachers, gurus, professors, abbots, priest, and religious institutions such as mandir, mosque, church, gurudwara, ethics, cultural values, charity, philanthropic work, and generous deeds. 

The activities such as tourism, pilgrimage, foreign travel, air travel, import and export business, tourism, law, jury, law department, judiciary, politics, higher administrative positions, and five-star hotels are ruled by this house. 

The other important things that come under the parameters of the 9th house are divine knowledge, righteousness, ingenuity, higher octave psychic experience, and divine blessings.  Besides, the large animals such as elephant, zebra, horse etc large water bodies such as lakes, and rivers are also seen from this house. In our body parts it represents thighs.

10th House: – The 10th house is the house of profession or occupation. In Vedic astrology this house is called the Karma Bhava, i.e., house of career. It is mention worthy here that the 10th house ruling job is not the short-time or hangs on job; this house stands for a job/career that you really crave for it (short time jobs ruled by 6th house). 

This is the house that stands for one’s honor, social status, respect, prestige, recognition and position in the society; one’s face value, public visibility and standing are judged from 10th house. Accomplishment, achievements, excellence, and success   in career (business or public service) are the exclusive parameters of the 10th house. Whether one gets opportunity, favor or disfavor or wrath, cooperation of the higher authority in climbing ladder of success is also judged from this house. The human body parts the 10th house represents are knees, bones and flash.

11th House: – In Vedic astrology the 11th house is called the Aay Bhav. This is the house of fulfillment of our all sorts of desires. It stands for gain, aspiration, affluence, friends and acquaintances with high social standing. However, it is a note worthy point here that on the flip side this house may also negate and defy fulfilling our hopes and desires.

This house refers to whether or not our efforts related to any area of activities meet with success. Our chances of being associated with organizations, associations, societies, clubs, and unions etc and donations for humanitarian causes are judged through this house. 
Immediate results of the 10th house, honor for excellence, reward (or dishonor), and promotion are also seen through the 11th house. Step-children, adopted children and your 4th born child are examined through this house. In our body, shanks and breathing organs fall within the jurisdiction of the 11th house.

12th House: – In Vedic astrology this house is known Byaya Bhava means the house of loss – loss of not only money, but everything possible including loss of thought! (It is the 9th house from the 4th house). Being the last house of the horoscope, it marks the completion of one cycle of life and preparing to next life. So, this house represents Moksha or liberation or emancipation from endless recycle of birth and death. 

Along with 6th and 8th, the 12th house is also called the dustana house. This house stands for seclusion, solitude, separation, prison, jail, hospital, asylum, monastery, meditation center, rehabilitation center and places of worship. Detachment is another important characteristics of the 12th house – detachment from all material possession –from even own life. 

The planet/planets in the 12th house point out the objects or subjects to be detached with according to their ownership of houses. For example, 5th house lord in the 12 house means detachment from children.

This house also refers to bed pleasure and sexuality. When this house is severely afflicted, it raises chances to susceptibility to addiction, intoxication, sexuality, imprisonments, wasteful expenditure, spending habits, and psychological problems.  This is also the house of imaginations related with day-dreaming, wishful thinking, metaphysics, and practice of occultism, transcendental meditation.

As one of the dustana houses, the 12th house refers to sufferings, destitution, defamation, drugs addiction, rape, kidnap, arson, hidden enemy, displacement, transfer or /and suspension, and retirement from job. This house also denotes foreign land, foreign culture, foreign people, espionage, and import and export business and underworld activities.


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