Astrology Prediction

Moon: The Planet of Subconscious Mind and Basic Behavior.

#Role of Moon in your birth chart.
The moon is the only natural satellite of the earth which completes one orbit around the earth in about 27 days and being the satellite of the earth, it is the nearest one of all the celestial bodies. The average distance between the earth and the moon is said to be only 384,400 km; the orbit of the moon being non-circular, the distance between the two changes approximately 1000 km in 6 hours. In relation to the zodiac signs, the moon travels 12° in average in 24 hours (it varies between 11° and 13°).

The moon being the nearest celestial body to the earth, it exerts its influence greatly on the earth and the mind of human beings; the most glaring example of this force is the tides on the ocean and the noticeable changes seen in the   behavior among lunatics.

In Vedic predictive astrology the moon occupies a very important and a special position. For predictive purposes, the Chandra kundali, the sign in which the moon falls, is also treated as like the ascendant and with importance of not less than that of the ascendant. 

The Panchangas, the planetary dasha system, Naba Tara, Sannadi chakra, the Gochara, the auspicious & inauspicious Muhurtas, and the naming of a new born baby, and Balarists conditions (threat to health in early childhood) are calculated on the basis of the position of the moon in a zodiac sign. Besides, the Yogas formed in the birth chart are also treated as equal to that of the yogas formed centering the ascendant. In fact no other planet is attributed so much importance in #Vedic astrology as the moon.

The moon rules the cancer sign – the fourth sign of the zodiac. It is exalted in the Taurus between 0° and 3° and debilitated in the Scorpio 0° and 3°. The whole of the Cancer sign is its own sign and the Multrikona sign. It reacts friendly to the Sun and Mercury, neutrally to Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. It doesn’t treat any planet as enemy. On the contrary, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu treat the Moon as their enemy; whereas, the Sun, Mars and Jupiter treat the Moon as their friend.

In predictive astrology the moon represents our mind, feelings, emotional dispositions, basic habits, and prejudices, needs and our deepest desires. It also represents mother and motherly figures in a society or an organization, home and homeland, ancestral and cultural lineage, and sanskaras. 

The Sun represents our conscious mind and the Moon represents the state of subconscious mind. The Sun is our conscious outer and awakened expression and represents our external acts, and moon is our inner self, wordless emotive expression, spontaneous reactions to stimuli. The Sun energy makes us act on something consciously and Moon energy makes us react impulsively, and instinctively. 

The moon sign builds up our personality traits and streaks but the complete expression of the personality can be understood only by examining the ascendant and the sun sign and the moon sign. The Moon, in a sign of the zodiac, answers the questions as to how do we spontaneously or automatically respond to a problem. A strong moon in a birth chart makes the native very emotional and moody. 

His mind keeps swinging easily and changing his decisions. He/she is kind, empathic, compassionate, receptive and responsive to any stimulus. However, these characteristics undergo considerable moderation with the alignment of planets. As for human anatomy the moon represents breasts, lungs, left eye of a man and right eye of a woman, uterus, ovaries, and veins.

As for diseases, the moon being the Karaka of mind, it causes mental and emotional illness and psychiatric problems. The moon is a watery planet and vat karaka. Thus the diseases related to malfunction of fluids, blood, phlegm, cough and cold fall within its jurisdiction. The taste of the moon is salty. So, it is liable to cause imbalance of uric acid and arthritis. The moon is also responsible for causing pleurisy (severe pain of chest and lungs), dropsy, spleen enlargement, bronchial diseases, gynecological problems, diseases related to breasts cancer and typhoid fever.

The following are the some important facts about the Moon:-

1.     The Colour the moon represents: Pale white and silver.

2.     Gender: – Female

3.     The day of the week moon represents:- Monday

4.     The Gemstone of the moon: – Pearl and Moonstone.

5.     Direction: – Northwest.

6.     Deity: – Lord Shiv

7.     Season: – Rainy season (Varsha Ritu)

8.     Professions represented by Moon: – Any profession related with liquid such as water, milk, salt, psychologist, travel agency, garment designer, fashion designer, receptionist, writer, librarian, school teacher, and state government job etc.

9.     The stuff to be donated for inauspicious Moon: – Rice, white conch, white flowers, pearl, silver, and white cloth.

10. #Mantra for the Moon: – “Om Som Somaaya Namah.”


“Om Shram Shreem Shraum Sah Chandramasay Namah.”

Chant any one of these mantras 11,000 times on Monday evening during bright half of the Moon. 

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