Astrology Prediction

Zodiac Sign Libra


Zodiac Sign Libra

Ruling lord: – Venus

Symbol: – Scales

Element: – Air

Quality: – Movable/ Cardinal

Color: – Baby blue, Pink,
Pistachio (pale green), Lavender (pale purple), and Pale aqua (bluish green).

Libra is the 7th sign
of the zodiac and 2nd air sign and 3rd cardinal or
movable sign of the zodiac.  In human
body Libra governs respiratory system and the lungs and lower back, kidneys,
buttocks and skin. Venus, the ruler of Libra rules over Semen, Sex organs,
urinary system, face and eyes. In our body, the 7th house rules
Urethra, bladder, Uterus, and Ovaries.

Of the twelve signs of the zodiac
Libra is the only sign which is symbolized by inanimate object: Scales; the
scales of balance, equilibrium, symmetry, and scales of justice. So, the Libras
crave fairness, harmony, peace, unity, equality and justice. Being a cardinal
sign, the Libra persons are great initiators of ideas as well as executors of
new ideas into action. Reflecting the characteristics of air sign the Libras
are intelligent and proactively social and sociable and excellently skilled
communicators. They can make excellent diplomat, mediator, and peace maker. 

Thus Libra is called the zodiac’s peace maker and justice maker sign. They have
natural aversion for disharmony, dispute, conflict, fight, and war. They want
to establish peace at all levels –be it the relationship between individuals,
family, social or global. Equality, harmony, love and peace, and justice are
the paramount key words for Libras. Libra is ruled by Venus. Venus rules
over beauty, love, peace, entertainment, luxury, romance, relationship, wealth
in abundance. But the Taurean Venus is more inclined towards the fulfillment of self materialistic pursuits through hard work and Libra Venus wants wealth,
luxury and all the creatures comfort as well as social harmony.

 Thus Libras by
nature crave for all the things that are beautiful, attractive, luxury giving
and appealing to the eyes. They easily give in for luxury, jewelry, trending
fashion, and handsome and beautiful people. They also easily give in to outward
or physical beauty.   They want to be surrounded by beautiful and
gorgeous people and luxurious stuff. They are potentially great connoisseurship
of all the artistic, exquisite and fine testes –be it of perceptive or
material. Libras are very charming, romantic, and idealistic. As they are great
admirer of physical beauty and appearance, they spend long time in adorning,
decorating and preening themselves –male Libras also spend lot of time in
preparing them before outings.

 Some other important flip side personality
traits of Libra individuals are that they are lazy; they want every comfort to
fall in their hands without hard work. As they are very romantic, they are
highly flirty as well. Therefore, the pure Libras maintain multiple parallel
relationships; not because they are cheater and fraudulent to their partners
but they want to keep everybody pleased and just cannot say no to anyone; but,
in doing so they never mean to cheat or dishonor their already existing
relationships. Moreover, the pure Libras are inexplicably and easily attracted
to beautiful and handsome persons, and comforts and luxury giving environment. 

is another important personality trait of Libras. Therefore, in their too much
weighing and balancing perspectives, they become too indecisive. Libras are
unreliable as friend and partner as they want to keep pleased everyone and give
in to sensuality, pleasure, luxury, name and fame. They have craving desire for
getting astounding attention of public and be in the limelight and; therefore, it
is hard to count on them to have their backing or support during serious or
testing situation –be it the individual relationship or social; it is mostly
true with pure Libras.

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