Astrology Prediction

Zodiac Sign Scorpio

Symbol: – Scorpion

Ruling lord: – Mars

Element: – water

Quality/ Modality: –

Colour: – Blood red,
Burgundy, Crimson, Maroon.

Scorpio is the eighth
sign of the zodiac wheel. As the eight sign of the zodiac it represents transformation
–transformation of anything associated with this sign; it may be our status,
position, and thought process etc. The main body functions governed by this
sign are digestive, circulatory and excretory system and diseases related with
it are Ulcers, Piles and Fistula.

The sign is ruled by
Mars. But, there is marking differences between the Mars of Aries and Mars of
Scorpio in their mode of actions. Both are aggressive warriors: the Mars of
Aries is physical warrior; he is hasty and more guided by his impulses and gust
but the Mars of Scorpio is mental warrior. As an enemy the Scorpio Mars is many
times more dangerous than the Aries Mars.

The Scorpio Mars strikes his
enemies with accurate   strategy and full proof planning without
giving any chance of taking defensive or offensive position to the opponent and
at such a moment when such attack is least expected by their counterpart.

So, the sting of the
Scorpio is venomous, very fatal and deadly like the symbol of this sign –the

The Scorpions are
mentally very strong highly determined to achieve to his goals. They know what
they want and work hard long with long planning and play the game to eventually
get it! They are awfully ambitious and power hungry. The Scorpio is watery in element
and Fix in quality. The Scorpio water is not like running water of the Cancer.  The water of Scorpio is stagnant or confined
water, i.e., water of a ponds and lakes etc. Thus, he derives his strength from
the deeper subconscious level of mind – from the realm of intuitive and psychic,
and clairvoyant.

Being water element the
Scorpions are emotional as well as empathic by nature but they can strike a
balance between emotion and practicality. They can become exemplary and the
most trusted and loyal friends and company demonstrating unparallel commitment
of trust ship or friendship to them who trust these celestial scorpions. Scorpions
always volunteer themselves to help their friends out of troubles when none
stands by their side. Their honesty, loyalty and sense of commitment always
stand the test of time.

On the flip side the
scorpions display jealousy and resentfulness. Another negatively marked
personality trait is that they are not transparent in expression. Being
represented by stagnant body of water, they are resentful, controlling and
stubborn and stick to their stance stubbornly and do not like to compromise on
their stand. Thus they are not easily convinced to new ways and ideas.

The scorpions are often
misunderstood because of their enigmatic, intense and harsh personality. They
are natural leader. They have powerful presence and demanding personalities
which make them stand apart in the crowd. Their determination is so strong that
any adverse situation just cannot hold them back of their mission.


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