Astrology Prediction

Love marriage or arrange marriage?

Whether I shall have love marriage or
whether I shall get married to the person of my choice or I love is one of the
most common questions the youngsters of today ask the astrologers. Astrology is
the only tool
which can accurately answer this type questions.In this post I shall discuss
the astrological combinations which presage the chance of love marriage.

The Houses that stand for
love marriage: –

Lagna or 1st house, 5th
house, 7th house, 8th house, and 11th house
stand for the chances of love marriage in birth chart.

Lagna or the 1st house: –
stands for self, personality and mentality. Being the house of self, if the
combinations denoting love marriage are connected with the lagna or lagna lord,
then the chances of love marriage become very strong.

5th House: – the 5th
house stands for mentality, love and romance. Therefore, this house has direct
relation with love marriage. It is one of the most prominent and inexplicable
houses in the context of love marriage.

7th house: – the 7th
house of the horoscope stands for relationship outside our blood relations,
partnership and marriage or legal bonding. Therefore, the 7th house
is also as much important as of the 5th house in relation to forming
love marriage combinations.

8th house: – 8th
house represents all hidden and secret things and outer genital organ; it is
the house of sex and physical relationship.  8th house is not directly related
to the love making or love marriage combinations but its connection with the 5th
house and 7th house or their lords gives deeper intensity of the
relationship facilitating for physical relationship.

11th house: – 11th
house is the house of material desire and desire satisfaction and as such the
linkage of this house with other love making combinations helps to make the
love marriage successful.

Note: –

Of the above stated houses, the 5th
and 7th houses are the most important ones. The combination between
5th house and 7th house is primary condition for a
relationship and love marriage. The other houses act as facilitators to the
joint intention of these two houses.

The signs promoting love marriage: –

Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Libra, and Gemini play major roles for facilitating love marriage. If the   lords of the 5th house and 7th house sit together in any of these signs and the signs happen to be the 5th house or the 7th house then it’s a sure shot indication of love marriage.

How is relationship between
the houses checked?

Exchange of houses between the lords of the5th
and 7th house is considered most powerful combination.

Next the conjunction of the lords of the 5thhouse
and 7th house any houses, especially in the Kendra or Trikon house.

Mutual aspect between the lords of the 5th
house and the 7th house. In other word 5th lord is
aspecting the 7th lord and the 7th lord is also aspecting
the 5th lord.

Exchange of Nakshatra between the lords of the 5th
house and the 7th house. E.g., 5th house lord is in 7th
house lord’s nakshatra and vice-versa.

The common nakshatra lord of the lords of the 5th
house and 7th house.

The different nakshatra lords of the 5th
house lord and the 7th house lord are conjoined together or
aspecting each other.

The linkages between the houses may also be formed in
any other way such as the 5th lord is sitting in the lagna and
aspecting the 7th houseor the 7th lord.

 A third
agent/planet also sometimes connect the 5th and 7th
houses or their lords. Rahu, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn through especial aspects
may connect the 5th and 7th houses/ their lords or one
house and another house lord. E.g., 4th house placed Mars is placed
with 7th lord and aspecting 11th house placed 5th

Special Note: –

The above combinations should be
checked from theMoon sign also. D9 or Navamsa is the main divisional chart for
one’s spouse and here we are talking about the would-be spouse through love
marriage. Therefore, the above combinations should be checked in D9 chart also.
If the same combination is present in both or either the lagna kundali or
Chandra kundali and in the D9 chart also then the prospect of love marriage
gets confirmed.

Therefore, the probable combination
sets for love marriage in relation to Houses are the following: –

5th house+ 7th house (Primary

5th house +7th house + 8th

5th house + 7th house + 11 house

If these above combinations are
somehow connected with the lagna or lagna lord in at least two kundal is (lagna
kundali, Chandra kundali/Moon sign and Navamsa kundali) then the happening of
the love marriage is 100% confirmed.

5th house and 7th
house relationship in watery sign in the kendra or Trikone sign is another sure
signal of love marriage.

But note that with the presence of
the above combinations, if 5th house/5th lord somehow
gets connected with the 6th house/6th lord then there
emerge difficulties in getting love marriage. Therefore, the 5th
house/ 5th lord must not connect with 6th house/6th
lord. This combination also needs to be examined from the lagna, Chandra and
navamsa kundali.

Planets promoting love marriage: – Rahu, Venus, Mars, Moon, Mercury.

Rahu: -Rahu represents anything out of box and
insatiable desires. It is his nature to go against the established rules,
norms, traditions, culture and ethics of the society. Rahu is known for
fulfilling his desire by hook or by crook. Therefore, Rahu’s involvement with
love marriage making combination means confirmation of love marriage, especially
inter-caste or inter-religion marriage.

Mars: – Mars is a fiery and male energy and represents
boyfriend in the female chart. He is sparky and fervent in action.

Venus: – Venus represents love, beauty (inner and
outer), attraction, romance, and worldly pleasure. Venus is karaka/significator
of marriage.

Mercury: – Mercury is prince. He is immature, fickle minded, instable
and gullible in nature and represents friends of opposite gender. Mercury is also the karak of communication of all type.

Moon: – Moon is thefirstest moving planet and
represents our mind and there is no denying of the fact that the feelings for
love germinates, sprouts and grows in the mind. 
Hence the Moon has inexplicable role in love making.

The various pairing combinations formed by any of the
two or three above mentioned planets in any of the houses of the birth chart can
prepare meaningful ground for promoting love marriage, such as: –

Rahu + Moon or Moon + Mercury combination indicates flattering and romance,
especially in Gemini and Libra signs; and, presence of this combination in the
5th/7th/8th/2nd house gives strong
signal of love marriage.

Rahu + Moon + Venus, the conjunction of the trio ensures love marriage.

Mercury + Venus combination also connotes romance. This combination in
itself deserves the power of facilitating love marriage and if somehow
connected with 5th/7th/8th/2nd
house increases the chance of love marriage.

Venus + Rahu combination, especially in the signs of Libra, Gemini,
Scorpio and Pisces and in 5th/7th/8th/2nd
house increases the chance of love marriage.

Venus + Mars combination inculcates passionate nature and promotes
inclination towards love and passionate relationship. This combination in the 5th/7th/9th/12th
house is a sure sign of inter-culture love marriage.

Venus + Mars + Saturn conjunction is one of the strongest indications of
love marriage.

Saturn + Rahu connected with 7th house also strongly presages love

5th house or 5th lord + 7th house or 7th
lord connected to Jupiter is a sure sign for transforming the love relationship
into legal binding or marriage.

Afflicted 9th house, 9th lord and Jupiter by Rahu,
Ketu, Saturn presages inter-caste love marriage.

10)  Afflicted Venus
further afflicted by the aspects of Mars and Saturn combined indicates love
marriage of one’s own choice going daringly against the parents as well as

11)  In a female’s birth
chart Rahu + Jupiter combination in the 5th/7th/9th/12th
house increases the chance of inter-culture marriage.

12)  In a male’s birth
chart, Rahu + Venus combination in the5th/7th/9th/12th
house increases the chance of inter-culture marriage.


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Note: –

 In a female’s chart Jupiter
stands for husband and in a male’s chart Venus stands for wife.

Mars stands for boyfriend and Mercury stands for friend of opposite sex.

But the whole context of love marriage, the two
importantly noteworthy points are that the karaka planet of marriage, the Venus
must not be regressive or repressive and Jupiter, the karaka planet of ethics,
moralities and values must be regressive or repressive for a successful love

According to Jaimini rules when the Arudh lagna(AL)
and the Upapada lagna(UL) happen to be the same sign or the same house then it
is a very strong prospect for getting love marriage. But when the UL lord is
placed in the 12th house from the UL then the marriage faces
rejection of family. The placement of beneficial planets: Jupiter, Mercury,
Moon and Venus in the 6th/8th/12th house from
the UL also faces rejection from the family and the society.

note: –

The Navamsa or D9 chart is the main divisional chart of the house of
marriage in the lagna kundali. Therefore, for the prediction of love and
marriage related matters the Navamsa kundali or D9 chart also must be examined
in addition to the lagna kundali and Chandra kundali or Rashi kundali.


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The divisional charts help us to get to reach the precise conclusion on
the matter promised in the lagna kundali.  Therefore, d9 chart guarantees surety of
happening the thing promised by the lagna or Moon chart. It is a matter worthy
to note that the divisional charts cannot give results of their own which are
not promised in the main chart. Navamsa chart is also examined to see the
planetary strength.

It is advisable to examine the main chart, Navamsa chart and the
concerned divisional chart, e.g., d9 chart for marriage purposes, d10 chart for
profession purposes, and d7 for progeny related matters.


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