Astrology Prediction

A Rare and Auspicious Raj Yoga in Vedic Astrology: Maalika Yoga.


       The name of the Maalikaa yoga is
derived from the Sanastrit word ‘Maalaa’ the literal meaning of           which is
‘garland’. We know that a garland is made swinging flowers one after another to
a twine.

Formation of Maalikaa yoga: –

As the name suggests the Maalikaa
yoga is formed when each of the consecutive seven houses of a horoscope is occupied
by a planet excluding Rahu and Ketu. Rahu – Ketu may be conjoined with any of
the planets in any of the houses but the point to be noted is that a lone Rahu
or Ketu in any of the seven consecutive houses is not deemed to have formed the
Maalikaa yoga. In other words, only the seven planets, Sun, Moon, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are eligible to form the Maalikaa yoga.
Rahu and Ketu may be placed anywhere in the horoscope in combination with any other seven planets or alone. From the perspective of the technicality of
formation the Maalikaa yoga can be termed as a very rare yoga; because, the
lining up of the planets consecutively onto the seven houses without leaving a
single house blank in between is definitely rare case.

Effects of the Maalika yog: –

The hypothesis about the Maalikaa
yoga in a horoscope is that this yoga blesses the native with the abundance of
wealth, power, name, fame, reputation, good health, and longevity.  However, the degree of results largely depends
on the dignity of the planets and the houses or bhava with which the formation
is started. The presence of other yogas such as Panch-Mahapurush yogas, exchange of the lords of the trikone and Kendra houses help this yoga to
deliver maximum results.  

Types of Maalikaa yoga and specific results
associated with each one of them: –

Depending upon the house with
which this yoga is started the Maalikaa yoga is categorized into 12 types.  Each type of the Maalikaa yoga delivers
specific results as stated below: –

1)  The Maalikaa yoga formed from the
Lagna or the 1st house to the 7th house is called the
Lagna Maalikaa yoga.  The Native with the
Lagna Maalika yoga will be a commander or a ruler like a king and wealthy.

2) The Maalika yoga formed from the 2nd
house is called Dhana Maalikaa yoga which makes the native very wealthy and

3)  Vikram Maalikaa yoga is formed when
it is formed from the 3rd house to the 9th house. The
Vikram Maalikaa yoga makes one rich and brave ruler and loyal; on the down side, it
gives many ailments and sickliness.

4)  When the Maalikaa yoga is formed from
the 4th house then this Maalikaa yoga is called the Sukh Maalika
yoga which will bless the native with wealth, creature comfort, and peace. He/she
will be charitable.

5)  The Maalikaa yoga formed beginning
with the 5th house then it is called Putra or Suta Maalika yoga.
This Maalika yoga makes the native with highly learned, powerful, famous, and
highly religious.

6) The Maalika yoga formed with the 6th
house is called ‘Satru’Maalika yoga. This Maaalika yoga makes the native poor
and greedy. He/she will be the ruler of the forest.

7)  Kalatra or Jaya Maalika yoga is
formed when it begins from the 7th house. This Kalatra Maalikaa yoga
makes the native popular among the opposite sex. He/she will be very
influencial in the society.

8)  Randra Maalikaa yoga. The Maalikaa
yoga formed beginning with the 8th house is called the Randra
Maalika yoga. The native with the Randra Maalikaa yoga becomes poor and faces
bitter criticism from people around him/her.

9) Bhagya Maalika yoga: – As the name
suggests, the Bhagya Maalikaa yoga is formed when one planet is placed in each
of the consecutive house beginning from the 9th house and ending in
the 3rd house. This yoga makes the native very fortunate in life.
He/she will be righteous, religious and hold highly respectable position in

10)  Karma Maalika yoga. Karma Maalikaa
yoga is formed when Maalikaa yoga is formed beginning with the 10th
house. The Karma Maalikaa yoga blesses the native with karma/profession of
great respect and position.

11) Labha Maalikaa yoga. The Labha
Maalikaa yoga is formed if the Maalikaa yoga is formed from the 11th
house or the Labha bhava. This yoga makes the native very skillful and blessed
with lovely and graceful wife or a gentle and handsome husband.

12)  Vyaya Maalikaa yoga. Vyaya Maalikaa
yoga is formed if the Maalikaa yoga is formed from the 12th house to
the 6th house. This yoga makes the native very liberal, charitable
and honoured.

The Maalika yoga can be formed from
both the Lagna and the Moon sign or the Chandra lagna. But some astrologers
opine that the Maalika yogas formed from the lagna should only be regarded as
the Maalikaa yoga as the Maalikaa yoga formed from the Moon sign is unable to
deliver the fruitful results. While some other astrologer believe that the
Maalikaa yoga formed from the lagna or the Lagna Maalikaa yoga only can give
fruitful and effective results.


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