Astrology Prediction

Is Kaal Sarp Dosh formed in your Birth Chart?

 Yogas and doshas occupy
a very, special place in Vedic astrology. Literarily yogas mean addition or
combination of planets and planets or planets and constellations or
planets and houses.  Such yogas/doshas aren’t unusual in our birth charts;
they common to any birth chart.

By yoga, Parashara, the
author of ancient astrological texts, means the special configurations
of  planets in a birth chart that either energizes the native to reap
astounding success or de-energizes the native to tumble down to the abyssal of
misery and destitution.  Both of these situations are markedly deviation
from generalities; the average situation of life.


In Sanskrit language
‘Kaal’ means ‘time’ and ‘Sarpa’ means ‘Serpent’.  Here, the word
‘serpent’ connotes poison. Therefore, the full meaning of kaal-sarp is
poisonous time or, in other words, a distressful journey of life. However,
there is a school of scholars who don’t advocate this proposition and maintains
that in the ancient textbooks of astrology, there is nowhere any mention of
Yoga by the name Kaal-Sarpa Yog. On the other hand there is a group of
scholars who endorse the presence of the kaal sarp yoga. I too personally
believe the effects of Kaal sarp dosh.  

How is the kaal sarp
Dosh formed?
Rahu –Ketu, the two Nodes of
the Moon primary play the role in the formation of the kaal sarp yoga or dosh.
This yoga is formed when all the planets fall between the Rahu and Ketu in the
birth chart. Not a single planet should be outside the circle of the Rahu and

Rahu and Ketu always
move backward or retrograde.  Therefore, to form the kaal-sarpa yoga,
the planets must be placed in the clockwise direction between Rahu and Ketu,
not in the anti-clockwise direction so that planets the forward moving planets come
to the mouth of Rahu-Ketu. Suppose, if Rahu and Ketu are placed in the 1st and
the 7th house respectively, then the other planets must be
placed from the 12th house to the 8th house and
not from the 2nd house to the 8th house. At
this point, there is no unanimity among the astrologers. Some opine that this
yoga is formed in either of the conditions. I personally acknowledge the former
condition because in this condition the planets happen to fall into Rahu’s
mouth. This is the real kaal-sarpa yoga, not the latter one.  

 In this context,
it also should be mentioned that some astrologers do not endorse the existence
of the Yoga called Kaal sarp yog or dosh. They urge that in the ancient text
books there is no mention of any Kaal sarp yog or dosh. My personal opinion is
that kaal sarp yogas do exist in some birth charts. Because of the association
of Rahu and Ketu with other planets various types of painful and dreadful yogas
and doshas, such as Grahan Dosh, Pitru Dosh, Guru-chandal dosh are formed. The
eclipses are caused only by the association Rahu-Ketu with the two lumineries
the Sun and Moon.


Therefore, there remains
no ground to deny the existence of Kaal sarp dosh. The post Parasara period
doyens of astrology, to mention a few, Brigu, Kalyan Verma, Badreya Garg, have
mentioned the existence of Kaal sarp yoga or dosh in their works. There are
also mentions of various ‘Bisha Yogs’ that are formed by Rahu-Ketu.


One more point I want to
categorically state that kaal-sarpa dosh sometimes, conditionally form a favourable
yoga in relation to achievement in material life. The point that I want to
carry is that the Kaal Sarp dosh is not a dosh always; sometimes, this dosh
becomes yoga and delivers highly positive results and elevates one to a higher
position of life. But normally, this dosh compels us to push on to a catch-22
situation and painful life.

Cancellation of the evil
effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh: –


In the presence of the
following conditions the Kaal Sarp yoga stands cancelled and fails to generate
its evil effects
: –


1)    When more than two planets are in their own

2)    When Lagna lord, 9th and 10th lords
are exalted or in their Mooltrikon signs. In this case, in fact, the Kaal Sarpa
Dosh becomes a favourable yoga and helps to deliver very good results.

3)    When there are presents more than two very
powerful Rajyogas.


The various types of
Kaal Sarpa- doshas and their especial effects: –


There are 12 types of
Kaal sarp yoga and each one of them delivers its unique type of results as
mentioned below: –


1)     Ananta Kaal Sarp Dosh: – The Kaal sarpa yoga formed from the 1st house
to 7th house is called the ananta Kaal Sarpa Yoga. This dosh
makes the native unsuccessfully struggle to get success in life.  Dignity,
honour and recognition in society will become distant dream throughout life.
Marriage life will become constantly distressful cursed.


2)    Kulik Kaal Sarp Dosh: – Kulik Kaal sarpa yoga is
formed when all the planets are placed between Rahu-Ketu from the 2nd house
to the 8th house. The native of this dosh will throughout the
life be sickly and never financially stand stable and sound.

3)          Basuki Kaal Sarp Yoga: – The Kaal Sarpa dosh
formed between the 3rd house and the 9th house
is called the Basuki Kaal sarp Dosh. In this yoga the kith and the kin of the
native will always be source of harassment and trouble to the native. Betrayal
of friends and near and dear ones, frequent hurdles on the path of occupation
are the features of this dosh.


4)          Sankhapal Kaal Sarp dosh: – Sankhpal Kaal Sarp
yoga is formed when the Kaal Sarp dosh is formed from the 4th house
to the 10th house. This dosh tends to completely deprive the
native from the domestic peace and pleasure. Interruption in studies, frequent
and sudden difficulties and problems from vehicles; obstacles and ups and downs
in professional life are the marked consequences of this fatal dosh.

5)          Padma Kaal Sarp Dosh: – Padma Kaal Sarp dosh is
fromed between the 5th and 11th houses of the
birth chart. This dosh gives betrayal and failure in love life and utter
unhappiness from children, especially during the old age. Chances of
imprisonment, huge loss in business and possibility of being bank craft are
other unavoidable outcomes of this dreadful dosh.

6)          Maha Padma Kaal Sarp dosh: – This dosh is formed
between the 6th and 11th houses.  The
native may become a moral characterless and will never become successful in
love life. Separation and divorce with spouse is inevitable. The native will
always feel deprived and blank.

7)          Takshyak Kaal Sarp Dosh: – When the Kaal sarp
dosh starts from the 7th house and ends in the Lagna then the
Takshyak Kaal sarp dosh is formed. The native of this dosh suffers huge losses
from gambling, betting, lottery, horse racing etc. The persons with this dosh
in the birth chart should never lend money; because the lent money never comes
back to them.

8)          Karkatak Kaal Sarp dosh: – The kaal sarp dosh
extending from 8th house to 2nd house is called
Karkatak Kaal Sarp dosh. The natives of this dosh fail to get ancestral
property, suffers huge loss in business, salaried employees may face blame and
demotion and may die prematurely.

9)          Sangkhchud Kaal Sarp dosh: – The kaal sarp dosh
formed between the 9th and the 3rd house is
called the Sangkhchud Kaal sarp dosh. The natives remain away from all sorts of
happiness. Fortune betrays them, and earns bitter enmity with government
officials, and suffers losses in business.

10)     Ghatak Kaal Sarp dosh: – When the Kaal sarp dosh
extends from the 10th house to the 4th house
then this kaal sarp dosh is called Ghatak Kaal sarp dosh. This dosh deprives
the native from the enjoyment of ancestral property and brings in immense in

11)     Bishdhar Kaal Sarp dosh: – The Kaal Sarp dosh
formed from the 11th house to 5th house is
called Bishdhar kaal Sarp dosh. This dosh tends to make the life disastrous and
forces leave the native place and reside in a foreign land. It gives insomnia
and eyes diseases. The native meets with mysterious death.

12)     Sheshnaag Kaal Sarp dosh: -The sheshnaag Kaal
sarp dosh is formed from the 12th house to the 6th house.
This dosh creates lots of secret foes. The native suffers defeat in litigation,
loses his respect and dignity in society but becomes famous after death.

Note: – The kaal sarp
dosh formed involving the zodiac signs of Venus and Mercury tend to pose
greater magnitude and longer lasting threat.







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