Astrology Prediction

Jupiter Transit Effects 2023 on Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio.

Jupiter is the largest of all the planets. He takes about one year to
complete his one cycle around the zodiac wheel. It means Jupiter in his cycles
revisits each of the zodiac sign only after twelve years. Jupiter is said to be
the teacher and mentor of the deities; so he is also known as Dev-Guru. 

Jupiter is the most natural beneficent and benevolent planets. His presence in any housein birth chart and his glance on any house and or planet/planets enhances theauspiciousness of the concerned house or the planet/planets – wherever he sitsin a birth chart and casts his glance adds additional drops of auspiciousnessand expands the qualities of the house and the planet/planets concerned. So,Jupiter’s transition on to a sign or house has rightly been considered as most important in the realm  of astrology.

On April 22, 2023 Jupiter has transited on to Aries where he will be
staying until April 30, 2024. Therefore, this post is about to shed light on
the possible effects of this transition on the natives of Virgo, Libra and
Scorpio ascendants. Note that this analysis is based on the ascendants but not
on the Rashis or the zodiac signs.

Virgo: – For Virgo Ascendant Jupiter rules the 4th and 7th
houses and will be transiting through 8
th house of Aries sign –his
friendly sign. Here Jupiter will carry the 4
th house and 7th
house energy, blend it with 8
th house energy and will influence the
th, 2nd and 4th houses through his glance.
Therefore, 4
th, 7th, 12th, 2nd, and
th houses will get activated by this transition; of these houses
the 4
th house related matters will have more influence over the
Virgo natives.

At the beginning the transit, domestic situation may suffer mess and
fuss. Self and mother’s health conditions are likely to go unstable. Shifting
of house or living place or room will be in possible. However, after October
30, the situation will remarkably improve: chances of getting inheritance of
property and investment on property will be on the air. Change of business or
business place may be initiated and business conditions will improve.

After October 30, relationship with spouse will improve and long distance
travel with spouse will take place. Possibilities business travel to distance
places is also in the indication. Financial position will get consolidated
after October 30. If the natal chart with good dignity of Jupiter then
possibility of getting financial inheritance and sudden windfall cannot be
ruled out. Financial benefit from spouse or in-laws is in the cards.

Libra: –  For Libra Ascendant,
Jupiter rules the 3
rd and 6th houses and is transiting
through 7
th house and casting its glance on 11th,  1st  and 3rd  houses. Therefore, this transit will activate
rd, 6th, 7th, 11th and 1st
houses with more emphasis on the 3
rd house. As a whole it will give
mixed results for Librans.

Until October 30, the relationship with spouse will remain tensed. Spouse
may behave like enemy. Health of the spouse and own self will be having one or
the ailments. But, after October 30, when Rahu and Ketu will transit on to the
preceding signs, the relationship between spouses will turn better than before
and health condition will also start slightly improving but not altogether.
Employees and salaried Librans will be successful in getting financial benefits
but only after facing tough completion and challenges.

For businessmen this transit will give huge benefit through networking
and communication.  Business persons will
require frequent short distance travelling for business purposes. But the
efforts and hard work put together will yield huge earning too.

Scorpio: – For Scorpio Ascendant, Jupiter rules 2nd house and
th house and transits on to the 6th house. From 6th
house Jupiter will aspects 10
th, 12, and 2nd houses.
Therefore, the transition of Jupiter will influence the significance of 2
5th, 6
th, 10th, and 12th houses. Jupiter being a natural
friendly planet to Ascendant lord Mars as well as lord of the 5
house, the Scorpion will mostly get auspicious results with exception of
physical ailments of own self and kids until October 30.

This is a good period for all those who are someway connected with
banking sector, dealing with loans, medical and legal and non-profit related occupations.
For job seeking ones this period will prove very fruitful: they are much likely
to get employment. They will become sincere about their daily work routine and
probably go for change in their dietary habit.

Getting education loan will be rather easy during this period. People
will come up to them for their advice regarding solution obstacles and problems
for their creative skill in solution to complex issues. During this transition
love and romantic issues are likely to get a back seat because of getting more
devoted in solving issues of other people.




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