Know If You Have Major Accident Risk in Your Birth Chart.




Accident is an unpleasant event that happens all
of a sudden.  Astrology is such branch of
knowledge through which we can foresee  accidents, its nature, magnitude and
the timing as well. The fundamental rules as to how to read the birth charts or
horoscopes to foresee accidents are attempted to mention below. The following
factors need to be examined in determining whether or not the native is
susceptible for accidents.

signs of ascendant, Moon and Sun

         2.             Placement
of the ascendant lord.
of the ascendant, Moon and Sun
of the ascendant, Moon and Sun
6th,8th, and 12th houses and their lords
of the malefic planets: Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu
Dreshkan and 64th Navamsa.
Dasha period, and
transit chart or the gochar chart.

As for the role of the zodiac signs in causing accidents,
Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces ascendant are highly susceptible to accident
while Virgo, Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius are less susceptible.

The Sun being a fiery and hot planet, he does not feel comfortable
when placed in watery signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) and tends to promote
accident chances.  Sun in Capricorn,
Sagittarius, and in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius) tends to protect
from accidents. Moon plays very significant role in relation o accidents as the
Balarist doshas are calculated depending on the position of the Moon. Moon
occupying Taurus and watery(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), and in Sagittarius and Libra protect from accidents while in Capricorn, Aquarius and Aries inclines to
generate chances for accidents, bruises, cuts and the likes. Moon stands for
the period of childhood and, as such she tends to bring about accidents during
childhood period. Next we have to see the placement of the ascendant lord (in
fact, I see it first of all). 8th house placement of ascendant lord or
8th lord’s placement in the ascendant portends an accident and if
the 8th house happens to be the enemy sign for the ascendant lord,
then it means a major type of accident. In this case, two more conditions can
be pointed out: firstly, if that ascendant lord is in conjunction with or
receiving aspect from any one of the malefic planets, and secondly, its
dispositor is also placed in a negative house then this condition portends a
major accident. In addition to that if the 8th house placed
ascendant lord somehow gets connected with the lords of 6th or the
12th house, then it portends a nasty accident resulting in a lifelong

Likewise good relationship between the Sun and the Moon and
their dispositor means protection from accidents but when the dispositors of
the Sun and the Moon are placed in the dushthana from the ascendant or in the 6th/8th/12
house from their position then this condition is susceptible for accidents. Supposing
for Taurus ascendant, Moon is placed in the ascendant in her sign of exaltation
but Venus, dispositor of Moon is placed in 12th house in Aries. In
this case, the dispositor is gone to the 12th house from her own
sign and the ascendant which strongly indicates prone to accidents.

As stated above, the malefic planets, Mars, Saturn, Rahu,
Ketu play important role in causing accidents. Mars + Saturn/Mars+Rahu/Mars+
Saturn + Rahu in any of the houses of the horoscope strongly foresee accidents.
 Mars in the ascendant (Lagna) is a
strong indication for head injury and cut with metal or iron or weapons,
instruments made of iron or metal. Placement of Saturn and Mars in the
Ascendant/2nd house/12th house is one of the strong indications
of accidents. Likewise, Saturn+Rahu/ Mars + Rahu also indicate nasty accidents.
Mars, Rahu, Ketu in the 8th house portend very bad accidents.

8th house stands for accidents, emergency, cuts,
breaks, surgery, and suddenness of events, 12th house stands for
loss (of anything such as money, health, life) hospital, solitude. 6th
house signifies diseases, obstacles, challenges, debt. Ascendant represents our
body (Tan) and general health. Therefore, relationship between these 6th,
8th, 12th houses through their lords portends major
accidents, hospitalization and subsequent physical issues. Ketu in 8th
house stands for accidents with sharp objects and by falling from higher
places. Affliction of such Ketu intensifies the gravity of accident.

Vehicular accidents are seen from the 4th house, 4th
lord, Venus, 8th house, and 8th lord. The connectivity
between them is a clear indication of vehicular accidents such as accidents
through motor bike, scooter, bicycle, and car. 3rd house and Mercury
stand for short distance communication. So, when 3rd house or
Mercury or 3rd house and Mercury are connected with 8th
or lord of the 8th house then this condition signifies accident in short distance travelling through bus, train or while commuting.
Connection between 9th house, 9th lord or Jupiter and 8th
house, 12th house and their lord or lords foresees accidents while
taking long distance travel.

As for timing of the accident, we have to examine the
planetary periods or the dashas down to the Sukshma dasha. The malefic planets
sitting/aspecting the 8th house/6th house/12th
house indicates the possible time happening accidents. The period of the 8th
house lord also can trigger accidents. 
But, the point to be noted here is that to trigger the accident, the
accident causing planetary period dasha must be supported by planetary
transition of malefic planets such as Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, lord of the
Marak planets, 22nd Dreshkan, or 64th Navamsa. If the
transition or the gochar is not supporting the accident causing planet then
accident will not happen. It will just cause some bruises, minor cuts etc
instead of a major accident.

The aspect of powerful Jupiter or other benefic planets can
reduce the intensity or the gravity of the affects of an accident.



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