Lucky Day, Number, Color and Gemstone.

The seven days of the week are named after the seven planets: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn (in predictive astrology the Moon is accredited to the position of a planet).  The twelve zodiacs are also ruled by these seven planets: the Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn rule two zodiac signs and the Sun and the Moon rule one sign each. Also, the nine natural numbers are ruled by these seven planets. The Sun and the Moon rule two numbers each: Sun 1 & 4 and Moon 2 & 7. 

The astrological significance and effects of colors on human psyche are understood on the basis of one’s ruling planet: the lord of the ascendant. On the other hand, one’s name is picked on the basis of the Moon’s occupation of zodiac sign with its degree, minutes and seconds out the 30° of a sign.         

We have a color choice for painting our houses and buying our personal vehicles. Even in buying our apparel much consideration is paid in the choice of favorable color. The saints and sages of different religious hues wear fabrics of white or saffron. 

The Hindu Goddess Lakshmi is seen in pink or red fabrics and Saraswati in white. Sani (the Saturn) is understood to always wear a black dress. The lawyers and judges of legal courts wear black coat or cloak over the whites. The doctors and nurses wear a white dress. The people mourning death usually wear a white dress. 

Sri Krishna’s chariot had a triangular flag of saffron color; triangularly shaped saffron flags flutter at the pinnacles of Hindu Temples. We as individuals have our own likes and dislikes of color. The color or hues effect on our psyche and temperamental domain is a point of psychic analysis. All colors cannot produce harmonious effects for all.
The elements of one’s bodysuit fine to a select color combination.   

The name wise lucky colors, numbers and days are shown in the following table::-                          
sl no Rashi Nak  Quarter         1st   alphabet           and     Lucky
Lucky      Lucky Day   Lucky Gems
    phonics of              Name Number
1   Aries Aswini 4        Chu, Che, all tones of red    9        Tuesday      Red corol,  
Cho, La.  or crimson      Thursday   Ruby, Garnet
Bharani 4      Lee, Lu, Le, Lo rose and pink       and                  Sunday and blood stone
Kritika     1        A
2   Taurus Kritika 3      E, U, Ea  all shades of blue,   6         Friday         turquose
Rohini 4      O, Ba, Bi, Bu rose and pink                              Wednesday       Emerald
Mrigashirsha 2     We, Wo       Saturday       Diamond
3   Gemini Mrigashirsha 2     Ka, Ki,  all shades of light   5          Wednesday        Diamond 
Ardra 4     Ku, Gha, Ing, Chh  colours and grey        Friday          and silver.
Punarvashu 3     Ke, Ko Ha colours and white.
4   Cancer Punarvashu 1     Hi White, cream and      2&7      Monday Pearls, Jade, pale
Pushya 4     Hu, He, Ho, Da all tones of green      Sunday,            Friday green stones
Ashlesha 4     Di, Du,, De, Do      Thursday  Moonstones
5   Leo Magha 4     Ma, Me, Mu, Mi gold, golden brown    1&4      Sunday   Ruby,  amber
Purba Phalguni 4      Mo, Ta, Ti,Tu yellow and bronze.      Thursday    Red corol, topaz
Uttar Phalguni  1       To       Monday   yellow syphire
6   Virgo Uttarphalguni 3     Pa, Pe, Poo  all shades of light      6         Wednesday     Diamond 
Hastha 4    Pu, Sha, Na,Tha and grey and white      Friday     Silver.
Chitra 2      Pe, Po
7   Libra Chitra 2    Ra, Re  all shades of blue  6       Friday    turquose
Swati 4    Ru, Re, Ro, Taa  rose and pink     Saturday    Emerald
Bishakha 3      Te, Tu, Tea     Wednesday
8   Scorpio Bishakha 1    Toa  Red, Pink  and all       Tuesday   Yellow saphire,
Anuradha 4    Na, Nee, Nu, Ne shades of rose      Thursday   Bloodstone.
Jyestha 4    No, Ya, Ya, U tones and crimson      Sunday    Redcorol,  
9   sagittarius   Moola 4    Yo,, Ye, Bhi, Bha Pink, Yellow, all      Thursday   Pink, Yellow,
  Purvashada 4    Bhu, Dha, Pha, Fa Crimson and Rose       Sunday    Crimson, 
  Uttarshada 1       Bha tones and Red      Tuesday    and Red corol
10   Capricorn  Uttarshada 3     Bho, Ja, Ji All shades of        Saturday    Blue sapphire
 Shravana 4    Ju/Khi, Je/Khu,  Black dark Blue       Friday    Black Diamond 
Jo/kha, Gha/kho and dark grey.      Wednesday     and Amethyst
 Dhanistha 2      Ga, Gi      black Pearl
11  Aquarius  Dhanistha 2    Gu, Ge All shades of black      Sturday,     Blue sapphire,
    Shatavisha 4    Go, Sa, Si, Su dark blue, dark       Friday    Black Diamond 
P.bhadrapada 3    Se, So, Da Grey and Purplr      Wednesday     black Pearl
12   Pisces P. bhadrapada 1     Di Pink, Yellow, all        Thursday      Pink, Yellow 
U. bhadrapada 4    Du Tha, ha, Da  shadesof Crimson         Sunday      All shades of 
Rewati 4    Dae, Duo, cha/chaa and Rose tones.         Tuesday     Crimson and 
Chi/chee     Rosy tones

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