Saturn Return and its Significance in Astrology.

What is Saturn return in Astrology?
We know that all planets keep moving around
the Sun non-stop along their orbits. They take their own time to make one round
of the Sun. Of all the planets, the Saturn takes the longest time to go around
the Sun; the time it takes is 29 years, 05 months, 17 days and 05 hours. In
astrology Saturn return refers to its transit to the sign and exact degree that
it occupied in a natal chart (birth chart). 

For example, let us suppose that in
a particular birth chart the Saturn was posited in Virgo at 20°- 15´-00″. It
means that at the time of birth the Saturn’s position at the sky was at
20°-15´-00″ of Virgo. Now, beginning its forward movement once the Saturn will
hit back exactly at the 20°-15´-00″ in Virgo and that transition of the Saturn
to the Virgo in this case is called Saturn return in astrology. Therefore, in
general, by Saturn return we mean Saturn’s transition to that sign and degrees
which it occupied at the time of birth of a native.

Saturn takes about 2.5 years
to travel one sign; therefore, the total time it requires to reach back to the
natal position after completing one cycle through all the zodiac signs is 30
years. Therefore, the 1st Saturn return happens when the native is about 27.5 to
30 years of age and the 2nd Saturn return at about 57.5 to 60, and 3rd at about
87.5 to 90. According to Vimshottari dasha, the fullest life expectancy is 120
years. The 1st Saturn return’s effective period is from 27 to 30 years of age,
because the exact time the Saturn takes to complete one cycle is 29 years, 05
months, 17 days and 05 hours; 2.5 years is an approximation figure accepted for
general calculation.

 Significance of Saturn return: – Saturn is the planet of
karma, justice, duty and responsibility; righteousness, reward and punishment,
structure, and discipline. He is also a matured teacher who teaches us lesson of
life through trial and tribulations. Every Saturn return is like a wake-up call
to us; through the Saturn returns the environment reminds us about our duty and
responsibility of the present life.  

He shakes off our inner self and forces to
look back to our works we have done up till now. This is a crucial and stressful
period, especially the period of the 1st Saturn return, i.e. between 27½ and 30
when we are on the threshold of new life, because we are practically grown up
now and time is appealing to pick up a solid path of life now if we have not
already taken one by this point of time. Being the planet of Karma, the Saturn
reminds and motivates you to become on the right track or else he will punish
you: his justification is that without tilling soil and sowing any seed how one
can reap the fruits. The fruits one gets in the post 1st Saturn return is
strictly proportioned to the effort one made during his/her early adulthood,
i.e., until 27.5 years of age.

So, during the period of 1st Saturn return the Saturn gives us a chance by reminding us through our environments and
situations; and if we afford not to heed and act accordingly, then, till, he
(Saturn) teaches us the reality of life through trial and tribulation so that we
may succeed in lives. There lies the significance of Saturn returns. 
So Saturn
plays the role of trainer who trains you hard so as to make you fit for a decent
living. The 2nd Saturn return happens when we are 57½ to 60. By now we have had
a long haul in the voyage of life and, now we will be going through
self-discovery way. Swooping down of our prime time starts beginning gradually;
and our children’s time starts surging for they are in the way of nearing the
1st Saturn return. The 2nd Saturn return induces our subconscious state for
self-realization and self-discovery, as I have already said, in relation to our
parental responsibilities, rights and the parental home too! We look back to
re-assess the past deeds we have done, evaluate them and design our future

 Here, I it is worth mentioning with underline that the Saturn return and
sade Sati are two different things though, sometimes, they seem to be the same.
The Sade Sati is calculated from the natal Moon position and the Saturn return
from the natal position of the Saturn. When both, the Saturn and Moon are in
conjunct, then they (Saturn return and Sade sati) happen to occur
simultaneously. But Saturn and Moon may necessarily not always conjunct. Also,
sometime, the Sade Sati stars occurring at the time of birth or after some
months or after a few years, it may not necessarily happen to occur at the
interval of 30 years. But the Saturn always and always occurs at the interval of
about 27½ to 30 years.

 During the Saturn return the Saturn will be focusing on
the house and the sign where it is sitting in the natal chart. The results of
that house will be experienced more. Each house stands for certain areas of life
and each house is connected to one another; and, a birth chart covers all the
areas of life. The Saturn posited in a favourable house and sign and in harmony
with other planets delivers favourable results. 

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