Varsha Pravesh, Varshaphal and Muntha effects.

Varsha Pravesh or Varshaphal and Muntha system of horoscopy are
originally Arabian concepts which might have come to India through interaction
between Arabian and Indian astrological scholars approximately 1500 years back. 

For its Arabian origin, this system is called Tajika or Tajik system and it is
employed for casting
   only the annual
progression horoscope but not the natal horoscope. The Varsha Pravesh system has
been in practice in India since the time of Barahamihira (505 -587), the famous
Hindu astronomer, mathematician and astrologer who wrote many books on
auguries, and authored the Brihat-Jatak and the Laghu-Jataka, the two great
treaties of astrology. Until then the Tithi Pravesh system had been employed in
casting annual horoscope in India.

Although Varsha pravesh
and Muntha differ in the method of casting the annual charts but for drawing
the inferences for forecasting the events of life the findings of both the
charts are employed. So, they are complementary to each other; moreover, we
don’t need to cast a separate Muntha chart because the Muntha of the year can
be shown in the Varsha Pravesh chart itself; only the calculation methods are
different. The objective of the varsha Pravesh or varshaphal horoscope is to
determine the exact moment of New Year entry for a particular birth chart as
well as to examine the nature and environment of different areas of life of the
year in question.

How is the Varsha Pravesh or Varshaphal chart cast?

For casting the varsha Pravesh chart firstly, we need to know
the longitude of the Sun in the natal horoscope in question; in other words,  Sun’s   exact position in relation to the sign, degree,
minute and seconds and secondly the place of birth.

The Sun takes one year (365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and
about 10 seconds) to complete one cycle of the zodiac which is called one solar
year. For a particular horoscope, the longitude of the natal Sun indicates the
completion of one solar year. 

Therefore, the Sun’s return to this point of the
natal longitude every year marks the moment of entering new year; and the  on the basis of this moment the Varsha Pravesh
kundali is cast which holds good until next solar return, i.e. one year.  The process of analyzing the chart is same as
that of the natal chart. In casting the Varsha Prabvesh kundali the important
point to be remembered is that the place should always be the native’s birth
place irrespective of the fact that he/she may have migrated to a distant place
and has been residing there.

Muntha: – The Muntha is also called ‘Munthaha’ and ‘Inthha’. According
to Tajika doctrine the Muntha is a structure less and dull planet which moves
around the zodiac with 2°-30speed per month. Therefore, it stays for one year
or 12 months in a sign. 

On the other hand, at the time of birth Muntha always
resides in the Ascendant (Lagna) itself; and every year, it moves one sign
ahead of its location. We know that there are 12 signs in the zodiac; therefore,
in case,  the year of age is more than 12
years, then,  to indentify the Muntha’s
location in a horoscope, we have to add the year age (number) which we have
just completed to the number of Lagna sign,  and then the resultant number is divided by 12
( total number of zodiac signs.) to get a remainder and that remainder number
indicates the sign where the current Muntha is located in the Varsha Pravesh

For example, let’s suppose, my
ascendant is Virgo (sign number 6) and I completed 26 years, the current
position of the Muntha in my Varsha Prabesh Kundali will be (6 + 26)=32÷12=2
remainder=8. Therefore, in the current solar year, the Muntha resides in Scorpio
(sign); Muntha is Scorpio and the Muntha Lord is Mars.

 Basic Rules: – 1)
Aspect of Muntha lord to the Muntha sign (house) gives beneficial results. 2)
Aspect to the Muntha by natural benefic is favourable. 3) Occupation of
Cardinal (Kendra) houses from the Muntha by natural benefic planets accrues
benefic results. 4) Occupation of 9th/10th/11th
house by Muntha lord brings in very positive results provided it is not conjoined
with malefic and aspected by malefic planet. 

5) If the Muntha falls in the 9th/10th/11th
house from the natal ascendant and the annual ascendant (Varsha Pravesh
ascendant), then they indicate that the native will meet with big success. 6) Muntha
falling in the 1st/2nd/3rd/5th
house from the Varsha Pravesh Lagna causes the native to do hard work but gives
only average results.


7)Muntha falling in the 4th/6th/7th/8th/12th
house from the annual ascendant gives unfavourable results. 8) If the Muntha
happens to fall in the 4
house from the annual ascendant and the natal ascendant then it indicates a
very tough time for the year. 9) If Rahu occupies the Muntha with degree not
less than that of the Muntha house, and the Muntha is conjoined with Jupiter or
Venus or both or
   aspected by any of
them or both of them, then this position can bestow the native with power,
position, fame and wealth. 

On the other hand if the degree of the Muntha house
is less than that of the degree of the Rahu and Muntha is conjoined with or
aspected by malefic, then the native is likely pass the year in grief and
sorrow and
  may have to be parted with
his/her immovable property.

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