Zodiac Sign: Virgo


   Zodiac sign Virgo

Virgo symbol: – Maiden

Ruling lord: – Mercury

Element: – Earth

Modality/ Quality: – Common/ dual

Colour: – Olive green, Ochre and tans which are associated
with earth and nature.

Virgo is the 6th sign and 6th house of
the natural zodiac. In human body Virgo is linked with the lower digestive
system, intestines and lower stomach. The Virgo personality traits and
characteristics are manifested through blends of its earth element, dual nature
and significations of the ruling lord. The Virgos are known as the
perfectionist of the zodiac.

Virgos are
excellent in planning and programming. 
They are methodical, systematic and intellectual scrutinizer. Mercury is
a planet of intelligence and communication. The Gemini Mercury is intelligent,
quick communicative; instable, gossipy and fashion freak.   Unlike
Gemini Mercury, the Mercury of Virgos has meaning, purpose and objective in
their talk and communication. Their talk is not meant for time pass.    For them time pass means money waste

So, they are always busy – meaningfully busy.
They plan their work very meticulously and go to thorough details. Even in
their day today work, they noticeably go to details. They bother for lot of
small things and day to day matters. For other they are freak and hyper but for
them detail is unavoidably necessary. Virgos like to follow structured life and
enviously maintain timetable. For them 10:30 PM means sharp 10:30;   not 1
minute before or 1 minute after. They are rigid and determined and follow their
own principle. 

It is not easy at all to influence or convince them about a new
idea or new until they are convinced through their sources.  So, they are conservative who like to stick to
old thing; they are not the kind of people who believe on gossip and hearsay. They
are intellectual who like to talk with intellectuals on intellectual and
socially and individually useful maters. 

They are not easily attracted to
average and dull people. In their approach,   by
nature, they are diplomatic and calculative and deeply rooted to practicality
and material world. They are smart and quick thinkers and amazingly resourceful
to find out workable and practical solutions to vexed problems.

In making new relationship and/ or friendship Virgos are
generally shy and take their own time to open up. They think and judge people
before they make friend get connected in relationship. They usually prefer
intellectual connections. Once they are opened up or make friend they are
highly loyal and supportive and take interest and care of what their
friend/partner like or dislike.  

like and love connecting with others –be it with their friends and or family
members and or acquaintances.  Virgos
connect people –they are lovers, not fighters and like to avoid confrontations
through application of their quick intelligence and resourcefulness.

The flip side of their personality is that they chronic
thinkers and dwell on every single detail. They need to come over their
conservative, orthodox, rigid and judgmental outlook.

  Online personal consultation available on nominal charges.

WhatsApp No. 9401801731. Email: astro.bashkar@gmail.com

Communication languages: Assamese, Hindi,
Nepali and English. Reply within 1 hour to 48 hours depending on schedule.

Good points of online astrology: – 1) Get
answer to your queries at your home without waste of time and energy (fuel). 2)
Ask question using nick name and not disclosing your identity if you so prefer
but birth details must be genuine. 3) Online payment. 4) One review of reply without
extra charges.

 I offer:
– 1) Career counseling on any type of possible careers, 2) Marriage possibility,
No marriage and Delay in marriage, 3)type of marriage, 4) timing of marriage,
5) distance and direction of the would be spouse, 6) Separation and divorce
chance, 7) 2nd marriage, 8) Marital happiness, 9) Issues related in
birth of progeny, 10) Court case and the possible outcome, 11) Health issues

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