Zodiac Sign Capricorn

Zodiac Symbol: – Sea goat

Sign ruler: – Saturn

Zodiac element: – Earth

Zodiac quality/ modality: – Cardinal/ Movable

Colour: – Black, Dark brown, Charcoal grey.

Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac wheel and
10th house of the astrological KalPurush. Capricorn represents our
knees, joints and bones in the Kalpurush. The key words for Capricorn are hard
work, discipline, success, goal, power, and controlling authority.

This sign is associated with structure, building, and maturity.
Of the three earthy signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) Capricorn is the
strongest and as such the Capricorn borns are amazingly determined and stubborn
and deeply rooted in the system, tradition and culture they live in.

The sign being the 10th sign of the zodiac, the
Capricorns are thoroughly down to earth and practical as well as materialistic
and awfully ambitious and goal oriented. They prefer practicality and reality
over unreliable dreams. The Sagittarians are also highly goal oriented but they
are not materialist oriented like Capricorn; Sagittarians’ chase is for
knowledge – new and more and more knowledge.

Sagittarians are spiritually and philosophically bent but
Capricorns’ bent is on material achievement. Capricorn belongs to triplicity of
cardinal and it is the last and strongest cardinal sign. Cardinal signs
represent energy, dynamism and activeness. And their cardinal quality is more
expressed in this work and sense of duty.

He is workaholic; they work at the cost of eating, resting,
entertaining and spending time with family. They start their work with proper
strategy and planning and more than fully involve with the work or projects.
The Capricorns learns through their mistakes and experiences and attain
expertise in their field. Therefore, they always achieve success in all their

Desire for controlling or rather say imposing or interfering
is one of the inherent characteristics of Capricorn born people. Actually, they
want to take control of the work or projects and finish it under their direct
control. This happens with them because they do not believe other and have
doubt on others’ sincerity and capability in finishing the task successfully.

Even at home they treat bossily and therefore, they face
sharp reaction on the part of spouse if the spouse is also happens to be
imposing. On the other hand they are strict, cold and serious in their appearance
and behavior and therefore, it is hard for others to be easy and comfortable with
them.  Actually, Capricorns are
condescending, very judgmental and suspicious.

It is interesting to note that they even doubt their own
capability and suffer from inferiority sometimes. In their eyes, every other
person with them is just a means to achieve the goal.

Though outwardly they appear to be strict, stubborn, and
serious, but inside they are soft and kind. They are highly truthful and
reliable friend who always stands beside their friends in the hard and
difficult times.

In relationship matters Capricorns are shy and have hard time
to open up but once the ice is broken they are very faithful, reliable and
caring. In family life they are as controlling, authoritative so are
dependable, reliable, caring and protecting.

Online personal consultation available on nominal

WhatsApp No. 9401801731. Email: astro.bashkar@gmail.com

Communication languages: Assamese, Hindi,
Nepali and English. Reply within 1 hour to 48 hours depending on schedule.



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