Mahabhagya Yoga or the Great Fortune Making Yoga in Astrology.

Of the auspicious yogas in the Vedic
astrology the Mahabhagya yoga is one of the most auspicious, powerful and
rarest yogas. It is said that a native born with the Mahabhagya yoga in this
life because of good deeds in his/her several past births. The literal meaning
of Mahabhagya is ‘Great Fortune’; ‘Maha’ means ‘great’ and ‘Bhagya’ mean ‘Fortune’.
Therefore, the native born with Mahabhagya Yoga in the birth chart is born with
great fortune.

Formation of Mahabhagya yoga: –

Like other yogas in Vedic astrology,
the formation of Mahabhagya yoga is not same for the male and female natives.
For a male native the Mahabhagya yoga is formed when the native is born in the
day time (between the time of Sunrise and Sun set) and the Ascendant/Lagna, the
Sun and the Moon happen to be in odd signs, i.e., Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra,
Sagittarius, Aquarius. On the contrary, for a female native the Mahabhagya yoga
is formed when the native is born in the night, i.e., between the Sun set and rise,
and Ascendant/Lagna, Sun and Moon fall in the even sign, i.e., Taurus, Cancer,
Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. Therefore, rare and unique conditions
need to be fulfilled for the formation of this yoga.

The effects of the Mahabhagya yoga:-

As the name of this yoga connotes the
Mahabhagya yoga is a great fortune making yoga that ensures blazing or extraordinary fortune with abundance of
wealth, comfort creatures, name, fame, position in society and political power.
A native with this Mahabhagya yoga is blessed with high standing political
authority, reputation and popularity. He/she is also endowed with stunning
personality and charming appearance.  

Limitation of this yoga: –

There is no iota of doubt that
Mahabhagya yoga is one of the auspicious, dashingly powerful and rare of the
rarest; nevertheless, under the following conditions this yoga is unable to
bestow its full results.  

Ø  For male native the Sun and Moon should
be in the odd signs. The Sun gets debilitated in the Libra sign and under this
condition the Mahabhagya yoga fails to bestow its full results. This yoga also
becomes weak to give good results when the Lagna lord, Sun and Moon or any of
these luminaries are/is positioned in their/its enemy sign or badly afflicted.

Ø  In female kundali the Moon gets
debilitated in the Scorpio sign and under such condition the Mahabhagya yoga
becomes unable to give its full results. Again when the Lagna lord, Sun and
Moon are in placed in their enemy sign and or badly afflicted then also the
good effects of this yoga is reduced.

Ø  When Lagna lord is debilitated,
combusted, or afflicted the good effects of the yoga is substantially reduced.

Ø  When the lagna lord, Sun or/ and /
Moon is/are conjoined with the dusthan lord/lords, especially with the 8th
lord or house, the good effects of the Mahabhagya yoga get compromised.


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