Vishnu Yoga in Vedic Astrology



The yogas
make the kundali powerful. Some yogas are very common. They are found in many
kundalis and their presence increase the strength of auspiciousness of the
kundali. If to name a few of the common yogas(not doshas) then the names of the
Budha-Aditya yoga, Chandra Mangal yoga, Gajakeshari yoga etc. can be taken.
Even the Panchmahapurushrajyogas are also found here and there. But there are a
few rajyogas which are very, very rare to see their presence in kundalis. The
presence of such yogas literally enhances the auspiciousness of the kundali
many, many fold as well as they give counter to the effects of harmful yogas.
Vishnu Yoga, Siv yoga, Chatursagar yoga,Mahabhagya yoga can be termed as the
very powerfully auspicious yogas. In this article I am going to discuss about
the Vishnu yoga: one of the rarest, most auspicious and powerful yogas.

Formation of
the Vishnu yoga: –

Vishnu yoga
is formed when the lords of the 9th house and 10th house
counted from the ascendant, and the Navamsha (D-9) lord of the lord of the 9th
house of Rashi kundali (D-1 chart) are conjoined in the 2nd house.
Note that 3 planets: 10th lord + 9th lord (of the D-1
chart) + the lord of the sign/house where the 9th lord of D-1 chart
is placed in the Navansh chart; and they must sit together in the 2nd
house counted from the ascendant of the Rashi chart. Let us understand with an
example: Suppose, ascendant is Libra. For Libra ascendant 9th house
is Gemini and 10th house is Cancer. Gemini’s lord is Mercury and
Cancer’s lord is Moon. Now, let’s assume that Mercury (the 9th house
lord) is placed in Sagittarius sign in the Navamsha kundali. Jupiter rules the
sign Sagittarius. Therefore, in this case if Mercury + Moon + Jupiter are
placed together in the 2nd house of the Libra ascendant kundali then
Vishnu yoga is formed.

Results of
the Vishnu yoga: –

The presence
of Vishnu yoga endows the native with the following: –

The native will have very healthy and attractive body
and will live for 100 years.

He/she will have very pleasant sense of humour.

He/she will live highly luxurious life with lifelong

He/she will be enormously wealthy and possess all
creature comforts of life.

The native will travel many countries and earn name
and honour in each of the 


The native will be spiritual, pious and a devotee of
lord Vishnu in case he/she is a 


His all desires and aspirations will be fulfilled.

Presence of this yoga will counteract the effects of
negative yogas (doshas) if    present in the chart. 

Special Note:
– To derive the full results of the Vishnu yoga the following conditions must
be fulfilled failing which the efficacy in giving full result will be

The yoga formed with 3 planets is necessary for
getting full results. Sometimes, this yoga is formed with only two planets.
Sometimes, the Navamsh lord of the 9th house lord of Rashi chart
becomes the same with the lord of 9th/10th house and in
that case this yoga is formed with only two planets. The Vishnu yoga formed
with such two planets is not considered as powerful as the one formed with
three planets. However, no convincing logic is found with this argument. Again,
sometime, the Navamsha lord of the 9th house lord happens to be with
either the 9th lord in the Rashi chart or the 10th lord.
In such case the strength of the Vishnu yoga is compromised by some extent.

The 3rd planet, i.e., the Navamsha house
lord of the 9th lord of the Rashi chart should be functional benefic
to the Rashi lagna lord otherwise the efficacy of the Vishnu yoga will be

 For obtaining
full results of the Vishnu yoga, the planets forming the Vishnu yoga should not
be afflicted by natural malefic/malefics. In case afflicted the result will
decrease by around 85%, as it has come to my observance.

The Vishnu yoga formed with natural benefic planets
will give maximum results.

The 2nd house must not be occupied by any
of the lords of 6th/8th/12th house or any
planet from these Dushsthana houses also should not aspect the 2nd
house. In such case the efficacy of the Vishnu yoga will remain hardly 15%, it
is observed.

The planets forming the Vishnu yoga should have
minimum 4 benefic points in the astak varga of the 2nd house.

The 2nd house should have minimum 29 points
in the Samudaya ashtak varga failing which the quantum of results will
sufficiently decrease.







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