Srinath Yoga, the Rarest of All Rajyogas.

Srinath yoga is one of the rarest yogas of all Raj yogas.
The condition of this yoga’s formation makes it the rarest of all the rare
yogas found in birth charts. Its results are infallible and Srinath yoga confers
the native with a great position, power, fame, wealth, and popularity. The
popularity of the native spills over his/her own country and spreads across
the globe. Another specialty of this yoga is that the native of yoga is
destined to marry a highly wealthy and famed spouse.

Formation of Srinath yoga:-

This yoga is formed in two ways. According to the Brihat
Parashar Hora Sashtra Srinath yoga is formed when the lord of the 7th
house conjoins the lords of the 9th house and the 10th
house together in the 10th house and the lord of the 10th
house is exalted. Therefore, the formation of this yoga is possible only with
the Sagittarius Ascendant and about between 15 September and 15 October when
the Sun, the lord of the 9th house is in the 10th house.
But, even then the yoga is not formed if Mercury, the lord of the 7th
house and the 10th house for the Sagittarius Ascendant is not
falling in the 10th house.

According to Phaldipika, the second type of Srinath yoga
is formed when the lord of the 9th house is seated in any one
of the Quadrant houses with Venus and Mercury occupying their own or Mool Trikon
or exalted signs or their friendly sign.

Below are given two example charts of Srinath yoga:-

The following is the birth chart of Manmohan Singh, the world-renowned economist and the former Prime Minister of India.

His birth chart is of Sagittarius Ascendant. We can see that
in this chart Mercury, the lord of the 7th house and the 10th
house is seated in the 10th house in his exaltation sign with the 9th
house lord Sun and thus the rarest Srinath yoga is formed.

Below is the kundali of Gulshan Kumar, a famous Indian
businessman, and film and music producer who is the founder of the Super Cassettes
Industries and founded the famous and popular T-Series Cassettes in 1980. He is a worldwide famed and popular personality.

In this chart, we can see that the lord of the 9th
house is exalted in the 4th house. Venus is exalted in the 12th
house and Mercury is finely placed in the 2nd house, his friendly
sign duly satisfying the second rule as per the Phaldipika.

Hope readers will find this article informative.  

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